Saturday, 23 November 2013


I finished my jewellery unit yesterday! Feel kinda sad about it because I've really enjoyed it, but it's encouraged me to keep on the craft and decorative arts route - all the way through this project my brain has been full of ideas and there was so much more I wish I could have made if I had more time! These are a few pictures of the finished things for my sketchbook, but I really don't think I can explain how proud of them I am - some of these pieces were so simple, but have turned out brilliantly and look really effective! I'm going to spend the rest of my evening watching Dr Who (super excited about it!) and filling out my sketchbooks - I'm starting to plan my final project now and notebooks are filling up fast! 

1 comment:

  1. wow!!!! wonderful jewelery! especially earrings:)
    please visit me in free time:)
    if you don't mind please click on the banners at the bottom of my blog:)
